It’s always a good feeling when you have the opportunity to help out a group of exceptional people. Having that support be mutually beneficial is just as great! That’s why we’re so happy to showcase our new long-term relationship with Archbishop Moeller High School!
Archbishop Moeller High School has been forming students into remarkable men for over 60 years. Opening its doors in 1960, Moeller High School has been the alma mater for more than 12,000 young men in the greater Cincinnati and Hamilton County area. Using their faith as the foundation, Moeller has been able to successfully create a culture rooted in academic excellence, service to others, family spirit, and the ability to continuously adapt for life.
This sponsorship does more than support something like a sports team or a singular department. Our sponsorship of Archbishop Moeller High School will be used to support the school as a whole through tuition assistance. Many students who attend private schools are only able to do so thanks to financial aid from donors and sponsors. With our three-year-long sponsorship, more students will have the opportunity to be a part of the Moeller family.
At Mercedes-Benz of Cincinnati, we are always looking for new ways to better our community and our new relationship with Archbishop Moeller is exactly the opportunity we love to take hold of. If you want to learn about how you can support Moeller High School, visit their website at To learn more about our other community sponsorships, look at our blog!
Our children are our future. This is why education, especially now, is more important than ever! Unfortunately, with dissipating state funding for public schools across Ohio, schools and teachers are often underfunded and under-supported, which is where support organizations like the Mariemont School Foundation (MSF) comes in! MSF is a 501c(3) organization established more than a decade ago by a volunteer group of parents to preserve and enhance educational excellence by providing financial support for academic programs and initiatives not covered in the operating budget. MSF is run by a board of nearly 20 trustees whose children are students in the district. Through the generous contributions of members of the Mariemont community, including parents, past parents, staff, alumni, and local businesses, MSF is able to help support the District’s nationally-recognized Warriors Beyond program that provides students in grades K-12 with experiential learning opportunities, the College and Career Planning Center at the High School, the K-8 Spanish Program, collaboration space, technology upgrades, college scholarships averaging $25,000 annually, and so much more! Since 2012, the MSF has distributed over $1,000,000 to the district for programs and projects. They’ve also invested $154,000 in the district in 2018 which has impacted students in grades K-12.
Recently, we had the pleasure of sponsoring the district’s annual FAB Affair, a joint fundraiser organized by MSF and the district’s other support organizations: the Mariemont Arts Association and the Athletics Boosters. Respectively, these organizations engage the resources of district parents, staff, and community members to support academic, artistic, and athletics programs at each of the four district schools. Each year, the FAB Affair helps to raise funds for the three organizations. Given the proximity of this year’s event to Valentine’s Day, the theme was “For the Love of the Schools”. The event was completely sold-out with 250 guests attending. Guests had the opportunity to bid on live and silent auction items, and purchase raffle tickets for a chance to win one or more of 19 baskets created by members of the school community. Their fund goal was blown out of the water with over $60,000 raised, which will be split equally among the Foundation, Arts Association, and Boosters to impact students across the district. In particular, these funds will be used to provide continued support for experiential learning opportunities for students across all grades, to help fund the new orchestra pit at the high school, as well as to help fund the new turf field at Kusel Stadium, and award scholarships to graduating senior athletes.
At Mercedes-Benz of Cincinnati, we take the education of our future generations very seriously. We are thankful for all the incredible work that the Mariemont School Foundation, the Mariemont Arts Association, and the Boosters have and continue to do for the Mariemont School District. If you are interested in learning more or donating to their cause, you can find more information here!
Everyone should have the right to be who they are without prejudice. That’s something we hold very dear at Mercedes-Benz of Cincinnati, and why we were proud to sponsor the Human Rights Campaign Greater Cincinnati “Our Dinner” on March 19th. This dinner and fundraiser saw people from all over the greater Cincinnati area coming together to show their support for LGBTQ+ equality. Attendees were able to enjoy a delicious dinner, participate in a silent auction, and hear from speakers including our Mayor, Honorable Aftab Pureval, Nik Harris, HRC Directors of Strategic Outreach and Engagement, Dana Goldberg, and Shea Diamond. We also celebrated Michael Cotrell for receiving the David C Crowley Leadership Award and danced the night away with DJ Bobby G.
The dinner saw over 600 people in attendance, beating out our goal of 500 and that’s not all! The HRC also met their goals for the auction and corporate sponsorship fundraising, which will go towards the support of electing fair-minded politicians, lobbying for LGBTQ+ legislation, and fighting anti-LGBTQ+ legislation in the states. The LGBTQ+ communities need support now more than ever, and here at Mercedes-Benz of Cincinnati, we’re proud to be a part of the change!
The HRC has spent over 40 years fighting for equality for all LGBTQ+ people, as well as supporting the Trans community, people of color, and those who are HIV+. Their goal is to bring more awareness and education to people and get to a point where the LGBTQ+ community is fully accepted and treated fairly in society and politics. To learn more about their mission and outreach, you can visit their website here!
Cancer sucks and the more people are aware of the early signs, the more they can get treated earlier and have a better chance at survival. That’s why organizations like the Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Greater Cincinnati are so important. They’ve been raising awareness, providing support, resources, and education, along with funding ovarian cancer research since 2018. Many of the people behind the scenes are cancer survivors who are committed to making a difference for women in the Tri-State area, especially in Cincinnati.
On April 30th, they’ll be holding the 8th annual Jeans & Jewels Gala, all in an effort to raise funds for awareness, education, and further research. Attendees will be able to enjoy a fabulous dinner, various raffles, a live auction, and celebrate a few awards including the 2022 Teal Power Courage, Caring, Hope Award and the 2022 Debbie Walter Memorial Scholarship!
We know how serious Ovarian Cancer is and the importance of awareness, which is why we are proud to be title sponsors for the Jeans & Jewels Gala this year. All those attending will have the chance to win a weekend test drive of any of our brand new Mercedes-Benz 2022 models, as well as two nights at the Greenbrier Resort, both of which are items in the live auction to reach their fundraiser goal of $150,000! If you would like to buy tickets for the Gala, browse through the auction items, or donate to help the Ovarian Cancer Alliance’s mission, you can do so right here!
We’ll see you at the Receptions Event Center Fairfield on April 30th!